Time and Capacity Dashboard

The Time/Capacity Dashboard on EMDESK provides a dashboard view of your users daily, weekly or monthly recorded time, including leaves, over-hours and capacities.

  1. Start by clicking on the ‘Time’ menu in the main menu.
  2. Within the ‘Time’ section, select the “Time/Capacity Dashboard” view to display the dashboard.

The dashboard presents a table format, where each row corresponds to a user with the following information:

  1. User first and last name
  2. Project participant name (the user is a member of)
  3. Total Capacity (total available work hours for the user for the selected week). You can set the teams and user capacity here.
  4. Total recorded time per week day for the selected week.
  5. Total tracked hours for the selected week.

Utilization bar

Each cell has a bar that visually represents capacity utilization:

  1. Grey: Capacity
  2. Green: Hours tracked
  3. Green diagonal lines: Off-time e.g. leaves
  4. Red: Overtime hours

For more detailed insights, place your cursor over any cell showing a bar chart with recorded hours to see a breakdown of hours including:

  • Capacity (user expected hours to work for the day)
  • Leaves (total hours of leave for the day)
  • Effective capacity (= Capacity - Leaves)
  • Tracked Time (total work time tracked for the day)
  • Total (= Tracked Time + Leaves)
  • Remaining Capacity (= Capacity - Leaves - Tracked Time)

Changing Time Views

By default the current week is displayed. To switch to another time range use the select at the top right.

  • Week View: Default view showing all days of the selected week.
  • Month View: Switch to view all calendar days of the selected month.
  • Year View: For a broader perspective, change to the year view to see all calendar months.

To navigate different weeks, months, or years, use the date selector at the top and the left and right arrows to move forth and back through weeks, month or years.

To set the default team or user-specific capacity, please read here.

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